Europeans back EU Membership as Election Approaches

In the run-up to the European elections in June 2024, a recent Eurobarometer survey has revealed a strong sense of European identity and support for EU membership among citizens across the continent. The findings paint a picture of a united Europe, with six in ten citizens viewing EU membership as a positive force and over 70 percent believing that EU actions have a direct impact on their daily lives.

European Parliament Visual Support –  68% say they would be likely to vote if European elections were
held in a week’s time – nine points higher than 5 years earlier

The survey, conducted in June 2023, polled 26,523 citizens from all 27 member states, providing a comprehensive snapshot of European public opinion six months ahead of the election. The results show that Europeans are not only proud of their membership in the European Union, but also recognize the tangible benefits it has brought to their countries.

A Strong Sense of European Identity

The survey found that 61 percent of Europeans believe that EU membership is a good thing, with majorities across all member states sharing this view. This sentiment is particularly strong in countries like France (71 percent), Germany (68 percent), and Italy (65 percent), where support for EU membership has been steadily increasing over the past few years.

Moreover, over 70 percent of respondents believe that their country has benefited from being a member of the European Union. This is particularly remarkable for countries like Poland (86 percent), Lithuania (84 percent), and Latvia (82 percent), which have experienced significant economic and social growth since joining the EU.

EU Actions Have a Direct Impact on Daily Lives

The survey also found that a majority of Europeans (70 percent) believe that EU actions have a direct impact on their daily lives. This is reflected in the high levels of support for EU policies and initiatives, such as the single market (86 percent), the euro (81 percent), and the Schengen area (74 percent).

Moreover, the survey also highlighted the importance of democracy in the EU, with 70 percent of respondents agreeing that democracy can never be taken for granted. This sentiment is particularly strong among younger generations, with 77 percent of 18 to24-year-olds believing that democracy is essential to the functioning of the EU.

Increased Interest in the European Elections

The survey found that the European elections in June 2024 are generating significant interest among Europeans, with 73 percent of respondents stating that they are likely to vote. This is a notable increase compared to previous elections, with the survey showing that 67 percent of respondents voted in the 2019 European elections.

The survey also found that the likelihood of voting is highest among younger generations, with 83 percent of 18 to24-year-olds stating they are likely to vote. This is a positive sign for the future of the EU, as young people are more likely to be engaged in the democratic process and have a greater stake in the future of the continent.

France’s optimism about the future of the EU

The survey found that 39 percent of respondents in France were “fairly pessimistic” about the future of the EU, while 10 percent were “very pessimistic”.This data suggests that this member state was the most pessimistic of the 27.

The main reasons for the decline in optimism among the French were the ongoing economic crisis, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, and the perceived lack of progress in addressing the challenges facing the EU. These concerns were echoed by respondents in other EU countries, who cited similar reasons for their pessimism. However, a significant proportion of French respondents (56 percent) still believe that the EU is a good thing for their country, and 66 percent believe that the EU has a positive impact on their personal lives. This suggests that while there may be a loss of optimism about the future of the EU, there is still strong support for the EU among the French population.

As Roberta Metsola, the President of the European Parliament, stated in the European Parliament Media event: “Democracy can never be taken for granted.” 

The survey serves as a reminder of the importance of active citizenship and participation in the democratic process, particularly in the lead-up to the European elections in June 2024.

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