
The mission of AEJ Belgium is in line with the mission of AEJ International. Media Freedom in Europe is one of the main subjects for the AEJ. 

Across Europe, the AEJ brings together individual journalists through their membership in the national sections. The AEJ was set up in 1962 in the then six EEC countries and was founded by 6 journalists, convinced by the need for European integration in a democratic way who believed in the potential of journalism to promote European harmony. For that reason, they were determined to defend the freedom of information and freedom of the press in Europe.

There are now more than 20 sections, independently established in countries that belong to the Council of Europe. Members in each section are drawn from a wide spectrum of the media staff and freelance contributors to television, radio, national, regional and specialists newspapers and periodicals and the new media. Membership in each section is open to all journalists including foreign media representatives based in the country.

AEJ Belgium aims to promote critical journalism in the European integration process and promote cross-border journalism, combating misinformation and fostering media literacy education.

The AEJ Belgian statutes were updated in 2020 and are available in 3 languages: DutchEnglish and French.

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