Connect with your peers in Brussels – and beyond

The International Association of European Journalists (AEJ) in Belgium is an independent non-profit vzw/asbl under Belgian law. The association’s overall aim and mission are to promote critical journalism in Europe, defend media freedom and help journalists and correspondents to build their networks.

The AEJ brings together professional journalists, mostly correspondents who report on the EU and its institutions on a daily basis. Our broad press membership has a keen, general interest in Europe and includes also freelance contributors to television and radio, national, regional and specialist newspapers, periodicals, websites, blogs and other new media, as well as university and college students and scholars in the field of journalism and media innovation.

The AEJ in Belgium also connects media experts and professionals, academics, public relations and communication professionals, civil society advocates, and political and business leaders with the aim to enrich the dialogue on media matters and facilitate the growth of the profession, in a very troubling time for the industry and the profession.

AEJ Belgium also engages in advocacy efforts related to press freedom, media ethics, and other issues affecting journalists.

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